Srivatsa Ramaswami on the Fundamental Intentions of Yoga
In August of 2018, I had the rare opportunity to talk with Srivatsa Ramaswami, long-time student of T. Krishnamacharya and now a...

And now, real yoga begins
It was at 2 am in the morning, I texted my friend to check if she is awake by any chance. I was woken up by severe pain running down the...

Has yoga lost its soul in the West?
Source from http://grimmly2007.blogspot.ae/ 'Has yoga lost its soul in the West?' Just came across this bringing together of a lot of...

Living ‘Yoga’ beyond the mat
Here is the interview published by Yoga house, The greens this month. The email conversation took place few months ago with Melanie...

Vinyasa has never been so misunderstood
The most popular form of yoga these days is Vinyasa yoga. But it is a sad truth that it has been totally misunderstood. I have been...

All about real yoga
In respect of understanding what is yoga, people make two common mistakes. Most people think that yoga means only asanas or physical...

Not another yoga teacher
OK time to get more traction for THIS conversation but first an apology to my Yoga studio owning friends who may not like what I am about...

Vinyasa Jump throughs
The secret to being able to jump through in a vinyasa is not in the ability to jump but in the ability to brake! Everyone can jump. In...

Krishnamacharya: His Legacy and Teachings narrated
Krishnamacharya was unique in many ways — as a master of yoga, as a teacher, as an Ayurvedic physician and as a scholar. In the West,...